On the following pages you can find howtos and advice for confoguring the Platon Webhosting service.
Control panel
Domains and DNS
- Guide to the administration of .SK domain
- Our Domain Servers (DNS)
- Setting up Main DNS Servers on a Domain
- Setting up DNS records
- How to Enable Creation of Automatic Subdomains
- General E-Mail Information
- Difference between POP3 and IMAP Protocols
- Creating e-mail accounts on your domain
- Mozilla Thunderbird: POP3 · IMAP
- Outlook Express: POP3 · IMAP
- Microsoft Outlook: POP3 · IMAP
- Opera: POP3 · IMAP
- The Bat!: POP3 · IMAP
- Setting up an automative message responder
- How to Use Horde Webmail
- Fetch your e-mails into GMail
- SFTP Setup in the WinSCP Program
- SFTP Configuration in the Filezilla Program
- SFTP Configuration in Total Commander
- SFTP Configuration in FlashFXP Program
- SFTP Configuration in the PSPad Program
- How to Turn off Error Reporting in WinSCP
- General Information about MySQL Databases
- Connecting to the MySQL Database
- Connecting to Database through a MySQL Client Using Port Forwarding
- Configuring the MySQL Database Encoding
- Auto-Increment Feature of Platon Technologies Servers